Mississippi born Dylan Dog (Brandon Routh) is a private investigator well known throughout the world for solving mysteries of the undead. He operates with wooden bullets, silver, and a sharp tongue, using the three to assist him in his latest case The retrieval of an ancient artifact that has gone missing. If he is unsuccessful, it will result in horrendous consequences, chief among them an all-out war between New Orleans’ zombies, vampires, and werewolves.
The fact that this film has received immense criticism upon release and in its current state has little appeal baffles me because it is, in fact, brilliantly made.
Routh is almost immediately admireable, having magnificently portrayed our hero Dylan A retired monster hunter who had to give up on the profession after his wife suffered a violent death. I cannot say that I am shocked but I have always admired his sympathetic persona.
In order to hunt down the culprits of ghastly murders, he is dragged back into the profession once more. Dylan teams up with his zombie assistant Marcus (Sam Huntington), and together, they dive deep into the mystery.
So much fun watching Superman and Jimmy Olsen back on screen as a duo. Their chemistry is palpable. It’s apparent they are pals which translates into their character interactions in the movie for the better.
There is nothing new and it does remind me of a handful of other films but our two leads make great use of funny sarcasm so things remain entertaining and in pace. There definitely could have been better writing and it was not as funny as it could have been, but it what is done is still enjoyable. It is my opinion it should be made into a Netflix TV series where it could use a monster of the week format and I would enjoy that so much.
The score with some cool twanging guitars really stood out to me as it goes so well with New Orleans, there are also some nice choral cues during the action scenes giving it a Gothic atmosphere. Head Vampire does not do all that Tales Diggs does but I reckon he was enjoying the role. The characters behind everything is the funny villain he is so good at playing.
Some of the fight scenes seemed interesting, but the special effects, which were surprisingly good, mixed both practical and CGI effects, which is surprising for a movie with this budget. Because of this, I would consider them entertaining.
In the end, Dylan Dog: Dead of Night is just another average Saturday night movie, but the cast seems coldhearted as at least the action is decent and the screenplay is passable, so it is at least one worth watching while drinking a few beers.
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