It’s been a while since I reviewed a giallo but it seems that is about to change. A few days ago I reviewed the 2017 film What the Waters Left Behind that was sent to me from Unearthed Films and MVD. It was an interesting horror film and quite bloody. Luciano and Nicolas Onetti, the filmmakers of this film, also did a giallo in 2018 that was released by the newly formed Cauldron Films. When I got the press release, I got very interested not only in the film, but the newly created company. I contacted them and to my surprise, they were nice enough to send me a copy. Thanks guys!

This film follows the story of a stage magician who has a serious gambling addiction. When he is not out working on stage, he can be found using his sleight of hand at the card table which he is not so good at. To make matters worse, he lives through a terrible amount of chaos when a series of murders start happening around the time he brings the stage act he did with his father at the theater where his father was murdered all those years ago.

Back in the day, Luciano Onetti had two notable films under his belt, each capturing the style and nostalgia of retro while bringing forth that fascinating murder mystery plot that made these films a pleasure to watch. What the Where I Live? muddied the waters a bit but they returned to the world of Giallo with Abrakadabra, their newest film, which, unlike WWLB, is worthy of Giallo greatness.

German Baudino as the aged magician in Sammy, is astounding in capturing the struggles of a man grappling with a gambling addiction and his father’s passing. The supporting cast does a great job too. Many of them and giallo cliches, but they embody those giallo cliches which makes the film so much more authentic. And the giallo homage ever so popular in giallo of the same time frame, where each individual watching it, remains entwined. The final reveal is unexpected, but not out of left field at all. In any case, it is outdone by their beautiful giallo, treasured by many but replicated by very few.

At last, the movie incorporates some killings. We get tons of blood and kills that suit the movie, but those of you looking for gore will be let down. Most giallo fans know what to expect, and the film does not disappoint death-wise. In the end, Abrakadabra is a beautifully shot and finely tuned homage to giallos that has a great cast, beautiful writing, and flawless execution. You should definitely check this one out.

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