The story follows Germans who start planning to sabotage Britannic, a ship that serves as a sister to Titanic, during World War I. It includes a variety of characters such as a good and bad one where one of them is quite unusual. Further, a lot of upper-class people continue to be stuck right in the center during this battle. The strangest killer on the sinking ship is the propeller. It survives longer than the ship itself killing more and more people with each churn.
Although the movie‘s name is Britannic and serves as a television film, it does showcase some form of quality and it is, to some extent, both a blessing and a curse. Everything is done perfectly well. This is its triumph. The script is workable. The plot is idiotic, but the acting improves its plausibility, and the film progresses with enough speed for it to not be a slog. However, this film in its entirety has the sheen of Dr. Quinn. A lot of things come off as too polished. The character’s attire is overly classy, and neat. There is the absence of grime, dirt, and blood. What this implies is that even if the movie is entirely watchable, it lacks soul. Jacqueline Bisset enjoys more entertaining chaos, and once again there is the ordinary first-class lot who look down upon ‘another sinking ship’. And the customary Captain Birdseye steering the ship. Everything is simply done and therefore one does not find oneself captivated.
This sabotage element is out of place because it tries to make the protagonist a superwoman and the villain a romantic lead in a ridiculous way, and it feels too forced and worked upon. Still, the most shocking thing is apparently there is no death at all, and how are these films rated 15! Some PGs I have watched are more violent than this.
Some badly placed green screen scenes appear blatantly fake. The actual sinking is not impressive and the establishing shots look like they were taken from the FMV of a PS1 game. The flooded sets however look brilliant and they provide a great (although shiny) claustrophobic environment for the main pair to stir around in glee while screaming.
The romance is laughably atrocious but everything else oddly fits in a child’s adventure story. Think BBC2 on a Sunday afternoon kind of film. Inoffensive, you can doze off merrily and rejoin the action knowing exactly where you are. Indeed, the acting is decent, and kudos to the big names for putting in some effort.
Not many options out there so I have to go with our baddie Edward Atterton, who finally faces justice as his lifeboat is drawn into the propeller and he is unceremoniously shredded for the marine creatures beneath. No matter how distastefully it is done, it is a wonderful approach to passing. Everyone is unbearably dull but at least Bisset reigns over her feminine character to
Even though the entire romance factor between the two main actors is so awkwardly executed that they look like relics, my award goes to my copies DVD cover. It is not only tastefully done but also holds the tagline ‘Intrigue, romance and disaster’ which is incorrectly spelled. Some star’s names on the cover are also wrong as well as a few additional words! It appears that a drunk sailor worked on the cover for the UK release of this movie!
There is never a correct explaination to the reason of the ship sinking, though great suspicion arises of a mine or even a torpedo being a cause. The ship was going to be named the Titanic, so I still prefer the Britannic!
Britannic is for once politically correct, moderate and restrained, and thus manages to completely escape from any kind of emotional fatigue and while that implies that it is not a terrible movie, it most definitely isn’t a good one either.
I would prefer to be entertained by the poor quality of a movie and find it funny rather than sitting there mindlessly. Apologies!
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