‘In Tenebras: Into the Darkness’ (2024)

‘In Tenebras Into the Darkness’ (2024)
‘In Tenebras: Into the Darkness’ (2024)

Now, extroverted Hank, played by Anthony Loddo, decides to meet his long-lost brother Josh, who is played by Johan Wickholm, to reminisce about the treasure map their grandfather left behind. That particular map would lead the brothers on a risky adventure through the hidden tunnels of Gibraltar Cathedral. The challenge is, how do they manage to get inside without being detected, and then leave without being seen?

In an attempt to unlock such uncharted wealth, which happens to possibly be connected with an ancient curse, the brothers decide to bring sister Chelsea along to cover the whole family. But, their attempt to make Grandpa, and their father, proud, goes away from their plan and their fantasy resemblance to Raiders of the Lost Ark comes crashing down the moment they unwittingly release the covert plague known to the military and government as Tenebras.

According to the synopsis provided on YouTube, Tenebras is roughly translated from Latin meaning ‘darkness’ which is in harmony with the bone-chilling tension that accompanies the three siblings on their journey through the depths of this gigantic forsaken treasure. While they argue, and snipe at each other over age, fitness, and stupidity, the special forces are already relaying orders in the hope of tracking them and getting them out of the area without injury, while guaranteeing the mission remains classified. It’s as if The Goonies were remade for adults, and the creatures were designed by the Mahal Empire. It’s THAT much fun.

In Tenebras: Into The Darkness, imposed clash by the two more than outstanding actors of the industry Major Cummings (Costas Mandylor) and Captain Shaw (Michael Pare) is in itself beautiful. The story constitutes a breathtaking landmark that is going to be the setting for a tense and bone-chilling conflict between these impressive figures. This is the focal point in the story that is even more unsettling than a global pandemic the exposure of the new world order. If you watch this film with no expectations, do no research, and know very little, it will be extremely rewarding.

Thanks to the astounding performances by Mandylor and Paré, you are in store for an exhilarating ride across the captivating spectacle of the monolithic limestone mountain, so much so that you may even forget the feeling of something lurking behind the man-made passages. The sound of rats? Ghosts? Perhaps something more sinister?

Regardless of what that may be, you had me inspired by actual events. I am ready to watch the next installment. As In Tenebras is supposed to be a trilogy, The second installment In Tenebras: Timelines is currently in pre-production.

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