The Wraith Within (2023)

The Wraith Within (2023)
The Wraith Within (2023)

Regardless of their genre, independent films are often a showcase of one’s passion and are sometimes the best way to witness the rough stages of one’s talent. While some independent movies can be seen as unrefined, one could easily overlook such details if the screenplay is captivating, the cinematography is unforgettable, or the performances are compelling enough to move the film forward. At times, the opposite may also be true, and the end result is an inexperienced blunder.

The Wraith Within appears to be an amateur project filmed by students with the help of friends and too much alcohol. Despite some potential, the core of the film feels unprofessional in a way that suggests it was made by college students And with domestic light beer. The performers are clearly out of their depth. The costumes were purchased at a Halloween store. The only recognizable cast member, Michael Madsen, looks like he has been partying for a week straight.

The story itself is also disorganized, to say the least. Written by Carlos Samudio, The Wraith Within features an antagonist that is a vengeful spirit of a woman who was murdered in the 1950s. She gets freed in modern times and proceeds to slaughter a bunch of people who come back for a high school reunion. But wait.

Might one of these pals be related to the ghost? Does Freddy Krueger’s manicurist have nightmares? The plot is about as complex as a six of Shiner Bock.

Set in a dusty Texas town, and admittedly the filming location becomes the strongest character of the picture, five obnoxious friends return for a class reunion. Disregarding Sheriff Madsen’s warnings, they go to chastise former classmate Annie (Shea Herring) for being homebound. While Aaron (Shane Christopher) and Jennifer (Allison Hawkstone) try to plan their lives, Annie hurls a mysterious box their way which well, this is when the title comes into play.

Director Aaron Strey seems more interested in the narratives of these flat personas returning to their hometown than he does in integrating actual fright into what is supposed to be a horror film. Other than a few clever drone shots of the town, there is no foreboding. No real tension. Wraith (Ally Kathryn) shows up, kills (mostly off-screen), and disappears. Then it repeats. Until the mundane becomes truly tedious.

The outcome, however, is a wasted potential in fear and terror is glaringly obvious. I must say, that Strey and Samudio have a fun concept, but this is an unequivocal disappointment.

While they try to go meta like Scream, Wraith quickly turns the town into an underwhelming version of Antonio Bay from The Fog. The origin of The Wraith is never established and is instead a mix of curses of the land, the old family, and perhaps some nighttime stubbed toes.

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