You could suppose that after a film like Lycan Colony, would be the last thing that director Rob Roy wants to do, is make another werewolf film. But you would be wrong, he’s back with American Werewolves, not in London or Paris, just American Werewolves. I suppose An American Werewolf in Pine Grove, PA just didn’t seem too convincing.
Sheriff Sam Anderson (Russell Sage Patrick, Brazen Impact, Poison Tree) wants to pamper his wife for their tenth celebration. However, he’s on emergency duty and is turned back to the station even before they did so.
So they have to make do with plastic cups and a bottle of wine which comes with his truck (while he is on duty no less). But she thinks that he would ever come up and even that is useless as something suddenly strikes her side of the truck and pulls her out into the dark.
Even so, ten years later, it was still the sheriff. He had been elected several times. I imagine drinking on the job and allowing a person to be murdered is nothing unusual for these people. So in at least one case this is the opposite. Supporting a police officer just because he drinks every day is a little comfort when yet again another resident from Pine Grove is found torn apart. And then more.
American Werewolves is the most budget-friendly film that one would find, which is understandable because such generates a profit from the sale precisely those effects. It is quite normal that the monster is mostly killing its victims off camera.
What is not explained, and can not be justified, are scenes such as the one of the Graphic Interrogation which could only be seen by Sheriff Sam and Deputy James (Aaron Crocker) from the neck down. There’s really no reason for it, it just appear as a badly cut section of a film and I suspected it was don t becasuse it was never reshot.
Not that reshoots would have helped them, as Rob Roy rather painfully follows this up with what are meant to be the funny bits of them interrogating a suspect whose prints were on the quite a number of murder locations.
As it happens he is also a glazier, named Indawindow Dave (Dave Moore), owner of Indawindow Dave’s Well Hung Windows which allows them to pun off the word “innuendo”. And the next suspect? Panic. His name is Raven Nevermore (Dale Coleman). Hilarious, huh?
There is a journalist that has introduced herself as Raven who holds a strong conviction that the murders were committed by a wolf. And didn’t Deputy James say the sheriff himself is plagued by inexplicable blackouts? Why exactly was the Townsend Earthen domain sent an so-called ‘special investigator from dc,’ Jordan Miller (whitney Richardson, voices in the vineyard, the exit row) to pine grove, who outed herself as later? Do people even care? To that last one the answer is a firm no as American Werewolves does everything in its power to make an hour and six minutes feel like a lifetime.
How horrible can it be? Let’s go to the complete opposite end of the spectrum and say it is a music video style sequence that is comprised of bad computer generated images. Or a rapid cut hand held camera chase that looks like it should have been left on the cutting room floor during one of the lesser episodes of Benny Hill.
Violent humor like the Sheriff chomping on Wolf Chili? And the werewolf, the only thing they even bothered to capitalize on, I should be surprised if it’s even on screen, including all of its appearances, for more than maybe two minutes.
It isn’t terrible design; it’s just the fact that the CGI that is used to render it looks like the same software Roy employed in Lycan Colony – and that looked like shit years ago when it was filmed long before eighteen years now.
An American Werewolves actually looks like it was shot over a long weekend with the director and some of his friends. Very amateur in all aspects – there are awful actors with only this film to their credit, there are many sound glitches, awful directing except for all I have already said.
Although he has made two of the dumbest Werewolves movies I have viewed, if Rob Roy likes doing these films, then good for him. However, he better just screen this to the cast and crew and spare the rest of us from the ordeal.
Now, Cinema Epoch has made available American Werewolves to Tubi and other such services. But even free, this isn’t worth the price.
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