The Creep Tapes (2024)

Transformers a global phenomenon in 2007 thanks to ‘Paranormal Activity fully developed the modern found footage genre’ and since then there have been in efforts in re inventing the genre. One of the best among in the found footage genre is Set ten years ago Creep Mark Duplass and Patrick Brice star in the film where Brice shoots a documentary about a man with brain tumor who is fully dissolution with the world, Long story short these series of events leads up to Brice’s character getting murdered.

The sequel goes a little different route, this time in lieu of the Aaron character we have Josef who is fully disillusioned with his current life and a huge fan of the world. To tell you the truth the premise of the film sounds even better, During the time the movie came out the found footage genre was on its decline transitioning to a new era, instead of bravely attempting to explore new facets, The Creep Tapes takes a six-episode route in.

The first episode of the show, entitled “Mark,” begins in much the same manner as both movies did. A gentleman carrying a camera like a flashlight approaches a cabin that is nearly blanketed in snow. The only thing that he notices on the cabin door is a note, which says: “Just double checking that you are already rolling! Further instructions await inside!” After that, he moves closer to the door and steps inside a dark room only for the camera to tilt up and show the name-changing character played by Duplass, this time dressed off as a vampire. And like that, he is coaxed outside into the frigid weather and is then pursued in a furious game of tag in the snow. The voice of the cameraman accompanied by gasps, followed later on by half-gleeful, half-mantic shouts from Duplass, served as the audio elements of the time, at least till he switched from one axe to the other to make a violent kill of his restrained target.

It is nearly a word for word copy of the past two episodes and while it can be entertaining to see, the episode two begins in a manner as to suggest this is not about to change any time soon. Even though “Creep” is not a movie that requires an origin story of its antagonist and in exploration of whatever caused him to act that way in the first place, introducing a new movie which is just a carbon-copy of the past ones and marketing it as an entirely new installment to the series is excruciating.

While the first few recordings can be considered as innovative iterations of the found footage genre. However, most of the recordings feel similar to the standard V/H/S movies. It does create a narrative, but it lacks substance and this brings us to the question, why did it take more than a decade for this show to be revived? For some strangers reason, I can’t stand these questions. I can’t help but wonder, For some strangers reason, I can’t stand these questions.

Every episode of this series seems, in its narrative structure and storytelling to be unbelievably dull regardless of this series major highlight, the characters within every episode seem to carry enough individualism to remain captivating in each chapter. The first episode sets you with expectation that makes the second one enthralling and gripping and almost feels like a step up. The second tape sets up a different tone with the placement of the cabin, it feels like the wretch is looking to lure you out of the house. But unfortunately, just like every other Bigg Wolf Production film, it dives down to the concept of a gag and repeats it all over again. the episode feels like its aimlessly drifting. Tactics that were once entertaining have been flat , monotonous and boring every episode seems like the last.

Ironically, the series’ best episode can be found in the first half of the show which reiterates how this series has come off as quite the relic. It injects the much needed life into the storyline and fans who were waiting for seven years to watch the show get to see Duplass but likely he is the only reason worth watching the series let alone gushing over it. It might resort in some dark humor and incorporate the concept of footage that made the OG films fun to watch but in its efforts to be compelling, it ends up being quite tedious since after the second episode it all feels the same.

Unlike the first and second episodes of ‘Creep’, this one fails to deliver even a hint of excitement or amusement and it ends up being mind numbingly boring which should never be the case with any series. Cast your mind back to the ‘Creep’ movies and the excitement turns to despondency as I am afraid that is the conclusion you reach. It is a bit shameful to say but if that is the attitude that “The Creep Tapes” takes, then addressing the audience is a total mistake.

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