Axel Falcon

Axel Falcon is a movie directed by Bazz Hancher who previously directed Hate Little Rabbit. The film’s plot revolves around childhood, magic, and revenge. Axel and Jake are first seen as two innocent boys whose destiny is to become the warriors of light against darkness. Their peacefulhood is disrupted by a harpy/vampire that Jake met while he was playing in the woods on day.

Some years later, in the present day city of Richard Teasdale (Getting Away with Murder?) as an Axel Falcon, a hardened detective, his mission is not simply to eradicate crime, but also the vice that has been embedded in this city over the years. But after Davro’s goon – the sinister William Stafford (The Pocket Film of Superstitions) who does not look blandly evil wearing a shabby wig and a bowler hat – has successfully wiped out his family, it all changes for the worst.

Aside from the all-consuming sadness and depression and self-abandonment which infests his being through other happenings in the scene like Laura Liptrot, the police chief who is in love with Axel and gets torn between her affection for Axel and her relations to the nasty Davro, and the disappointment of discovering her numerous coworkers sold out to the same man who now works with her in an office, clad in an overpowering roguish uniform.

What begins as a narration into an unsolved case of brutality, eventually gets solved as the protagonist is shown around by her relatives, herself turning out to be quite the shocking surprise, patiently depicting the manifold personalities embodying her past, only to gradually uncover that she did have a lot of relatives aunt, grandchildren, etc. what specifically might be astounding to the audience: cousins are it rather what thing might be astounding… surprising thing about cousins and everything gradually uncovers itself through the course of the story namely– more mystery and astonishment. Throughout the story, the audience is introduced to the protagonist searching deeply for answers which leads them into unique tactics like looking into assassin movies that essentially don’t hold comedic or robotic conventions. These emotions are enhanced by the way their scenes are summed up immensely large types of art across the aerial lines, not lined visually with anything linear.

From the film Severed Cinema, one of the members Jay Creepy (Beyond Fury) makes a come back in this movie as one of the thugs employed by Bosta. He’s a freaky henchman who makes a mistake while following orders from his boss and ends up getting himself and his girlfriend Winter, played by Willow Brian (White Gardenia: The King James Bible), killed. This event in the film forces Axel to lose his sanity as he seizes a heavily guarded enemy stronghold in order to wipe out evil once and for all after all these years of chaos.

At the same time, sorcerers try to test their willpower on the self-styled magician Davro, who seems to lose it and laughs like a maniac whenever there is a death around him during the period of chaos, within an extraordinary eyeball torture scene, but there are times in the film where it should not be in the cross-section of gangster and vampire genres until quite late in the place when everything starts knitting back into one before it ducks into the half-crazy finale which will certainly offend a few people with how everything is pushed to the extreme, which is the nature of this script that should have been more mellow and less wacky. Nevertheless, there is a lot of heart in Axel Falcon making it one of the most enjoyable films with cheesy action and interesting characters to watch, especially when there is an android cyclopean supervillain in the movie who is undeniably incredible.

Several hurdles in the creation process of the Axel Falcon have been chronicled in Darkly Took the Light. The entire team had to go through a lot that tested their resolve and commitment towards the project. In other words, things did not go well at all. In the same breath, producer Michael Walcott had nearly completed his film Hate Little Rabbit when he contracted Covid-19 during post production with the impression that there wouldn’t be any more films because of the virus and then during their very first showing, a woman stormed out shrieking and director Bazz Hancher was assaulted by a random person outside, so yeah, things were pretty rough. On top of that, a few other people close to this movie were also killed in unfortunate incidents which again added more misery and confusion to an already confusing shoot but through it all every single person who was associated with this movie or worked on it continued to toil till its completion because no matter how difficult it that stood between us and the completion of our idea, we were willing to fight it.

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