Not too long ago, I was able to persuade my wife Amanda to get the streaming service known as Shudder. It is far less known than Netflix or Hulu, but Shudder caters to a specific audience by focusing on horror entertainment. Since she loves this genre, the extra push was not needed, and soon enough, that service started charging us $5 per month, which I assumed would keep her entertained.

I’ll be honest here, but Shudder has not managed to engage me as much. I have browsed earnestly a couple of times, but I’m rarely able to find what I want. I’ve been wanting to rewatch the Elm Street sequels, along with What We Do In The Shadows. It’s a lot of coming up empty-handed, and there are times I tend to forget that we have the subscription.

I was on my way to get some take-out wings when I walked through the living room and witnessed my girlfriend start a new film. The start of the movie was pretty shocking. Did she just put on a random softcore porn? There was a mature viewer warning sign followed by a Cinerax logo and after that, people who were barely dressed rolled around in an extravagant house. What the hell was going on and why was she sending me on a wing run?

As it turns out, the movie was something she thought sounded interesting from the Shudder description. It was called DEEP MURDER. The name sounds terrible, I agree.

The plot of the movie is that it is set within the world of a porn film but before the adult fun begins one of the characters is found dead. Everyone is so used to playing their parts that they are shocked. The inhabitants have to discover who the murderer is before they reach the climactic ending.

The majority of the cast seems to be lacking in recognition, being relatively new to the industry, with a few familiar faces that you think to yourself “Where do I know them from?” Jerry O’Connell, known for Tomcats and Stand By Me, is also on the cast list and he is the most notable actor of them all. Christopher McDonald, the name that you have heard but cannot put a face to, plays the father ‘Richard’ who is the stock market-obsessed patriarch of the household. But it’s all for the best; a cast that is composed of public figures would have botched this from the start and used it as an easy way out to make money. Quinn Beswick, Stephanie Drake, Chris Redd, Jessica Parker Kennedy, and the rest are allowed to deeply immerse themselves into the characters of Deep Murder and claim them as their own.

The movie is a ludicrous blend of comedy, horror, mystery, and softcore pornography. There is barely any nudity except for one full frontal shot of a male character in the shower and the temptation is all over the mansion. Various characters are eliminated in the course of the movie until it all COMES to a HEAD.

This movie is no doubt hysterical. On the one hand, I am beyond bummed to find Deep Murder sitting at a dismal 3.8/10 on IMDb, because it’s not far-fetched to say Deep Murder deserves a score closer to Monty Python and Airplane. It is full from top to bottom of gags which are incredibly difficult to classify as ‘so stupid it is clever’ or ‘so clever it is stupid’. It’s absolutely ridiculous to see how much creativity went into dreaming some of these up. It’s the banging of two coconuts together to imitate a horse of the 2010s.

There are too many to mention but some of my favorites would have to be the shower scene (which is incredible when it shows the characters desperately trying to find one another for all the steam, but hits a home run when the camera shifts to outside the shower), the random guests to the house, including a pizza delivery guy and a massive plumber, and the single frame of the babysitter’s Thanksgiving feast. These are not the only scenes that made us laugh, but these are the ones that stood out. We were all exclaiming with laughter, while other parts of the movie forced mere chuckles.

A scene with star jock Jace and the notorious clumsy detective Cross is a delight to behold. The two stand on different sides of a table as they throw a javelin between one another while discussing the happenings that take place within the house. I would tell you what the two of them said, but given the level of physical comedy present, that was simply impossible. Quite possibly one of the most surreal yet comical things I have watched in a long time is the Overly Optimistic Stage Show.

If you’re not a fan of the strange and silly type of humor presented in The Naked Gun, then this will likely not be up your alley. If you are in search of a non-funny barebones murder mystery, then forget about it. If you’re just looking for some adult films, then there are places on the web for that, so useful flex, but whatever. I understand all of that, but I also think that a movie like this does not deserve a 3.8 rating. It’s far from that. It’s pretty great.

Other than Shudder, it appears that renting on YouTube, Vudu, and other platforms is inexpensive. I truly suggest you search for this gem! Unless of course you happen to be the sort of idiot that thinks comedy died in the late 2010s, and the only other option is to halfheartedly smash comic book references into your incomplete understanding of films. Then go ahead, Todd Phillips!

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