God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust: For those who have just woken up, there is no need to explain the reason why it will be an American election in the immediate future. For better or worse (and let’s be honest, it’s definitely for worse), politics has crept into every sphere of life which has left many Christians confused as to what to do in this day and age.
To cite Director David A. R. White from God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust, one of the approaches is to become more politically engaged. The God’s Not Dead films have created a pattern of being the most “socially conscious” within the body of faith promoted films and the latest one opens with views of sick people, lockdowns, and vaccines, which indicates the latest film moves with the times.
Sadly, the movies do not seem to be well constructed in terms of story. While it is dull faith-oriented political preaching in the guise of a mediocre movie that even moderate believers will fail to appreciate, only the base need to reinforce their political or religious beliefs is usually what this film aims to fulfil.
Violence has always fascinated man as it is inherent in his nature. In the article “Anatomy of a Hick,” Dr. Tracy describes and explains the living lifestyle and the culture among the hicks.I further defended that message-driven films should be regarded as a film and a message, separately.
A few, including this one, however, state the same arguments. Still, there are two major flaws in In God’s We Trust, both in the film and the message, unlike in The Forge – a benevolent but an unbearably dull movie.
In God We Trust, which is embedded in competitive faith based movie industries in this country is considerably undermined by plotholes, bad acting, and even worse, terribly corny errors of pensmanship that contributes to the creativity (or lack thereof) flow in this film.
Most characters are all dressed in the same characteristics of single trait… In what has been a consistent problem in Christain B movies, in this fifth movie of God’s not dead series freedom, defense of Christian good is given as a priority, rather than earn the respect and the reasons for such victories.
These figures are manichly evil, one-dimensional and Allied without any depth apart from being hideous and vicious. They might as well have twiddled their thumbs while waschening Henfeld’s needless, cheeky postures. They portray outraged, irreligious agnostics and goth people who have only one concern, the ideal hero and lastly, the protagonist who is a vile hypocrite in herself.
The intent of the movie is to train and encourage Christians to cope with the bipartisan, complex and real politics of that world. However, there is only so much to tell from a story that is so distanced from reality and has no anchor to this real world tempest.
The arguments presented in the film are the subject of a great many straw men raised so easily, that slapping these men is seen as a woman’s roundhouse punch. Instead of answering the insistent and reasonable questions of the antagonist, the hero of the film starts just some kind of delivering the holy scripture themselves. Every single live viewer gives such deafening applause that it makes his rival in politics leave the stage and surrender the contest. It is a Christian’s revenge fantasy gone haywire.
Populace of this film may appreciate the sight of their political nemesis being silenced by Such a contrived fantasy however does burn which does more to fan the flames in our already heated political discourse than help forge solutions.
If The Forge was less of a film and more of a sermon then In God We Trust is no less than a political speech. Everything in this film is directed towards selling the film’s core idea. Characterizations – negation of Samaire Armstrong, who plays a more rounded campaign manager who engages in some skilful politicking, are automatically end up bad.
The direction is unimaginative and juvenile. What stands out in my memory is that it was devoid of any comedic relief which could have spiced up the contents which were quite serious in nature and unified the audience.
Even though such praise of all things subservient to the message instead of the film might be forgiven, this would have been forgiven if the message itself was more uplifting.
I will come back to this later in an elaborative manner regarding its “Beneath the Surface” section, incidentally, there are times when the two notions of ‘conservative politics’ and ‘Christianity’ can be hard to tell apart with Pastor David taking quite some time frowning upon the power of socialism and gladly exalting Christ too Morton. Also, there is some disturbing pattern that to effect real transformation in America, the local church cannot do it, only politics can.
Ninth such type of movies God’s Not Dead 2 is a clear demonstration of a sad political development after a year of amazing collection of christ-centric entertainment (Sound of Hope, Unsung Hero, Cabrini etc). Ironically, even though the characters would not want to operate a negative campaign where she wins by bringing down her opponents, the movie herself most of the time resorts to that.
This kind of film may give you the cathartic satisfaction of witnessing valorous American Christian conservatives crush their wicked foes, but this simple and reductionist way of thinking is not going to do anyone any good come election season this time around. God is dead; that much can be agreed upon. However, the God’s Not Dead franchise should hang the permanent ‘not available’ sign up and close the door.
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