Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut

Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut: Let me introduce myself first; my name is Dr. L Jean, and I’m a passionate registered dietitian who aims to expand your scope of contribution and legacy to the world while restoring your gut health and worsening your IBS and any related digestive issues. I seek to encourage you to live with more vigor and provide you with useful resources and information that allows you to act decisively towards your health aims.

Let me begin with a disclaimer first … TV is not something I watch a lot because in our daily life we have many other things to do but every now and then, I will put my AirPods in and watch something on the iPad while washing dishes or folding the laundry, and as such. It kind of speeds things up a notch when I am running those chores late at night, doesn’t it? So as I was trying to find a show to attract me, I happened to find this quite recent gut health Netflix series Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut. (I suggest watching this documentary specifically if you have some strong interest in science, nutrition, or gut health as otherwise, you may just end up playing it in the background while performing your chores and not actually paying attention to it. That’s a choice I’ll let you make.)

Because most of the Netflix documentaries are so skewed, I was a little skeptical initially as well. I am rather wary about those food and health documentaries as they tend to come from a particular viewpoint. But I was intrigued… It was an interesting title. So I needed to investigate what this is all about and what they were actually talking about.

I asked myself whether the information was objective, or subjective or whether there was a bias.

In general, I was quite impressed considering the fact that I am a registered dietitian and my area of focus is on gut health and digestive disorders. I think that this documentary is exactly what we need to spread the word about the importance of digestive tract, the microbiome and gut health for our bodies as well as minds in a more holistic fashion.

If you have been following my activities for long, you have probably come across me thanking the heavens and saying, ‘I 100% want your digestive symptoms to improve, but it’s not ONLY about digestive issues.'” Yes, that is most of the reasons why people come to see me — gut symptoms. But I have to say once again, there are other ways your gut health integrates with your wellbeing. Gut health affects some of the most pertinent aspects of life such as aging, the risk of chronic diseases, all of it. And one perusal after another confirms such opinions which seem to be popular now.

Be Clear About Your Health with the Help of Your Gut: I remember clearly a few things that this film has made me realize. I will talk about some points which I agreed with and some that I disagree with in this film.

First things first, I don’t want to ruin the enjoyment of this documentary for you, yet I believe the part where it makes fun of vegetarianism is quite amusing. Shame: I believe it is worth watching so yes. I don’t reveal many details about the subjects of the film, so the last segment is a sort of tease. I discuss my viewpoints on the film, the films strengths, its weaknesses, and broadened understanding only to say a few that may not be suitable to all viewers.

Paper cut depiction of three petri dishes and the bacteria of different colors, Hack Your Health Is a New Perspective Section 8, 2011 First off, I loved the documentary in a holistic sense. It is dove-tailed by a discussion of how we have so many different doctors with such different specialties that each of them seem to have an isolated view of the health or system that they are focused on. BUT everything is connected! We are human beings! Microbiome affects every part of you, and I think that the documentary did an exceptional job in not only portraying this as a fact but also guiding the viewer in why this is a significant thing to understand.

The film spent some detail explaining the how and the why. They mentioned how digestion and how your gut works. Part of them, they are in a virtual gut health museum with all these interactivity gut health displays and education where they show you physiologically how your gut and stomach works! On top of that, they employ researchers as well as field specialists to elaborate. In addition, they explain things using these cute animations to reinforce their points and to convey the message because some of these subjects are quite a number of topics that are complicated and hard to grasp – especially if one does not have a knowledge of biology, science or nutrition. I personally feel that these illustrations are very valuable because when we start looking for information, it really helps when you know what the end result ought to be. That is what helps us pinpoint areas of concern and fixes them in order to restore normal functioning.

If you have been lost regarding your gut health and would want more evidence regarding it, this film makes it easy to know how your gut health operates, how digestion occurs, and so much more about the gut microbiome!

As a second advantage, it was not a tedious science presentation because of the lovely animations and active museum exhibits. It was made relevant to ordinary people and became interesting and comprehensible.

I also appreciated how the filmmakers elaborated on people with IBS brain and their food sensitivities, and why it is such a struggle to broaden your diet whenever you suffer from IBS! So for those with chronic digestive symptoms and limited diets wishing to expand their palette, Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut spends quite some time explaining the reasons and solutions to it.

Spoiler alert: For those people who have food sensitivities, I frequently advise what my patients are advised: don’t try new foods that you’re cautious about except start small. However if it isn’t a genuine allergy that contains true symptoms like heartburn etc, then you may start with a first bite and see how you respond and gradually increase from there. The reason being: you no longer have the organisms in your gut which can help break some of those fibers and foods down, and in turn you react to them. This allows for a gradual repairing of an individual’s microbiome. This is one of the main things in the documentary which is why you guys should watch it.

They also did a really nice job explaining how the gut and brain are connected. They cover the gut-brain axis,Parkinson’s,Alzheimer’s, all of that. It’s about how our mind can affect the biome and vice versa and how it can become a very vicious cycle that can be hard to break.

This is something I actually do with my clients in my signature program, Gut Rehab, as well. Something that I especially like about my program is the fact that there is an entire mindset component since that gut brain connection is a foundational one. It must be dealt with, otherwise your results will be completely negated.

The last thing that I really loved about this documentary is they suggest an additional beneficial gut health strategy that I often recommend, which is to consume no less than 20 to 30 different types of fruits and vegetables in a span of one week. It has been established that this reduces your gut symptoms and any other gut health problems tremendously. This is important a lot of different species of microorganisms colonizing our guts, which helps to keep everything in balance. We want to avoid letting one organism takeover. So, eating a variety in your diet and not eating the same thing every single day is going to be really helpful in keeping that from happening.

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