Krazy House

Satire can be defined in many ways, but it is not expansive enough in order to include “Krazy House”. This bloody, chaotic hand grenade of a film is undoubtedly dead wrong, with its first image being that of a cop shooting a nun to death and shockingly, it does not end there. Schneider and van der Kuil’s latest feature is like an infomercial on adult swim but directed by teenagers who love black metal, as it has become common in their works to take out Russian pop culture and with sneering mockery, slap God in the face – except this time it is done violently and absurdly.

The Adult swim bit is baked into the premise of the movie, which takes place entirely on a sound stage that looks very much like the sets of the film Married…With Children. The sitcom-within-the-film is titled, you guessed it, “Krazy House”. This one is about a christian family, well, the outline at least is the same with standard norms: the clumsy bucktoothed husband – Bernie (Nick Frost), the over-ambitious wife Eva (Alicia Silverstone) whom obviously is out of his league, the dully boy-crazy teenage Sarah (Gaite Jansen) and the quiet who usually fiddles with chemistry kit in his room scion, Ami (Walt Klink).

All of these nuances will however be lost when the film settles into its psychosexually violent plot development, where three Russian contractors come into this idyllic Christian home and wreck it all.

This Piotr (Jan Bijvoet)-led faction consists of criminals dressed in jumpsuits and they shred the entire family unit along with their drywall (and pipes, and floors, and…). Adam seizes upon the opportunities of drug making, while seeing green goblins and Sarah becomes expecting from one of the unibrowed mullets. The dust sickens Eva and causes her to quit her high-end job, while Bernie just sits dozing in the Jesus sweats and dumb broom shoes, turning the other cheek.

The hints of the Christian bashing in ‘Krazy House’ might come off as shallow but there are some rather fascinating issues of male anxiety that are hidden beneath. The bisexual physical prowess of the invading Russian force is so great that alst time I looked through them, it shattered fundamentals about the head of the household, who should be powerful and masculine, and instead turned him into the defender. (Yes, even Adam.) It isn’t until he straight-up rejects Christ who is actually a laid back hallucination personified by ‘90s sit-com regular Kevin Connolly that he comes up with how to ‘man up’ and take back what he feels belongs to him in gruesome violent pulp efficient manner. As for the quite long awaited storyline of ‘Psycho Piotr’ in ‘Krazy House’, it came far too late and my mind was far too numb to consider it at all.

What Frost and Silverstone do in “Krazy House” — and also in between this and Jennifer Reeder’s “Perpetrator,” attempting to carry her image to some new and pleasantly weird territories — are all the reasons that make “Krazy House” watchable for much longer than it deserves to be.

Silverstone discovers comedic inflections in the hysterical nagging and weeping of her character, screaming “he died for our siiiiins” as Bernie’s first attempt to protect her fails. For everybody else, it is just blowing the proverbial speakers with unnecessary silliness.

This time, the performances by Haars and van der Kuil are also a bit less constrained in their attempt to escape the self-imposed restriction of one place by switching between different aspect ratios and resolutions: Normal sitcom mockup micro shorts are filmed in dirty, boxy 4:3, while once Bernie decides to start paying attention to the murderous impulses inside his brain, the screen goes HD full. The film also manages to remain visually entertaining, but it is also shockingly disorganized and disorderly, especially with respect to the movie’s never-ending gore, juvenile shock elements, and random bits of surrealism.

That’s overly disrespectful undoubtedly, but at the same time an awful….not a bit surprisingly even agents of chaos who do enjoy the pile of this particular career’s chaos will have quite enough of it hanshining it to facing the movie’s over the top as expected ending. This is overstlong 86 minutes. If anything, the moods seem to switch, more screams, as this can do Films’ As if every single synapsis were fried into oblivion after receiving a vehement 86 minutes of this massacre could be boiled down to a good maybe.

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