More holy water is required,” the priest gasped. It is going to be fine, sort of. Nicolas Cage and Ron Perlman, play two 14th-century knights, a medieval badass who are recruited by the church for a special job to interrogate a suspected witch played by Claire Foy. Is this woman a victim of misogynistic group hysteria? Or is she actually? Gulp! It has a manner of being entertaining. Jason fans will be bummed out a bunch as he does not lose his gags, starring blatant provocation from the lord of darkness.
He’s not fully wrong. Media surrounds us and organizations have started to surrender. First, two paid media companies withdrew their election endorsements after the acquisition from two billionaire owners. After that, some reporters at Mar-a-Lago broke the story. And then there was ABC News, who lost in a legal suit that Trump threw at them, and ended up paying him $16 million.
The Guardian says it’s openly: we don’t seek friendship with Donald Trump or any other politician. As independent journalists, we don’t align with elites we stand with the people.
And how do we manage to survive intimidating threats? The answer lies in the words of journalists who follow the money. It seems The Guardian has unmotivated billionaires and corporate pawns backing them, so they claim. We are journalists who serve the public and report the truth, and we only need to answer to our Scott Trust which is only required to fund our mission of journalism.
We do, in fact, and because we care about providing well-informed and evidence-backed journalism, we have no paywalls for the citizens of America.
As the new government praises its ambitions to retaliate against journalists, Trump and his team are already making legal claims against any unfavorable newspaper articles published. The need to cover stories accurately and justly has never been more important or more dangerous. Would you consider supporting The Guardian?
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