

The Return (2024)

The Odyssey comes to an end in an interesting and satisfactory manner as the violence unleashed by the family includes the tormentors of the family, but also the relationship between the husband and wife which had been tumultuously put through a test of distance and time is beautifully restored (here romantic is a very different

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Oh, Canada (2024)

Despite the fact that Paul Schrader historically wrote about a unique aspect of film, which featured men who kept diaries or self-initiated journals in how Robert Bresson’s “Diary of a Country Priest”, which was a highly important movie to Paul Schrader’s film philosophy. He has a long-standing interest in Bresson, who appears in the title

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Separated (2024)

The film Separated, directed by Errol Morris, has an interesting storyline. Its about the dastardly practice of separating families at the Mexico US border through the eyes of a Mexican American family. Morris’s secondary characters move to the center with their back stories and their analysis. This is Morris’s trademark style. His examination of the

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