The Hopeful: Followers of Christ learn that their hope is to be anchored in Him. This is through reading the bible, praying, attending church, and interacting with one another. While we follow Christ, we feel the love He has for us.
Manual in hand, we also understand and learn that the Lord Jesus shall one day come back again. To some, the event of Jesus coming back may raise a few eyebrows as it could have some folks working hard to guess a time. There might be people like this who think that they know the date when Christ shall come back and bring His children home – and these people might go about telling others this date.
So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. Matthew 24:44
He would of course and He will one day come back but the bible also says, He will not come back at times that mankind will be aware of. The movie The Hopeful is based on a real-life event where a church believed that they were aware of the day that Jesus was returning. Keep reading this post to find out how this captivating movie was made.
The Hopeful is a screen adaptation of a remarkable event that took place historically and how the country was transformed.
The Hopeful tells the fascinating life narrative of Willaim Miller a farmer with family back ground who later becomes a preacher he was a devout Christian who prayed for God’s guidance , not realizing through that prayer it was God that he was searching for all along that post-war purpose in life. His devotion leads him to suggest the Second Coming of Christ. The world’s development for a most future time is covered as the purpose of the film, The Hopeful. As events unfold, Miller is shown to have had already known how it was able to come to pass. This is the story of Miller and many followers who believed in his message.
But a young woman named Ellen Harmon converts and sees the vision and power behind what he is preaching. As examples grow, so does the effective message. Walter Miller’s message comes alive and garners support transforming how Christians would look for the future. Adopted by many, the denomination now known as the Seventh-day Adventist Church continued its outreach across the world.
The Hopeful is a powerful documentary saluting the plight of a community who learnt patience in adherence to the concept of waiting for Jesus to redeem them. The 19th century New England setting offers the audience of any age the opportunity to behold a different world, and how powerful the element of hope is in changing that world.
A two time Grammy Award winner, singer and songwriter Johns Myrin’s original music renders emotional depth to this film by creating songs such as ‘Hope is on the way’ and ‘Made for you’ intended for the cinematic experience. Watching the decided life of the co-writer of the movie, G. White presents the real picture of the life as well as a spiritual mentor and reformist, who’s inspirational works are cherished by the weakest souls.
This film serves not only as a tribute to the great faith but also as a lesson reminding what hope can do to a person suffering through the deepest wounds. Hope is what enables individuals to understand the purpose of their existence and teaches them to be resilient, for they shall eventually be rewarded.
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