The Leprechaun is back! No, is not that one. I meant the one from Champdog Films. Yes, the company follows up its film The Leprechaun’s Game, which was released earlier this year, with The Leprechaun’s Curse, aka The Leprechaun’s Rage (the film’s title on IMDb and its title on-screen). Like before, Bao Tieu reprises her role as the titular movie monster, and this time ups the ante on the humor, making this ensemble more in line to the latter installments of its US counterpart.

The Leprechaun’s Curse essentially erases everything dealing with the original the idea of a leprechaun going after the gold he allegedly possesses was cast aside and now there is a leprechaun looking for gold that has allegedly been pawned off to one of those cash-buying establishments. The proprietor of said establishment is viciously slaughtered by the leprechaun pre-credits, leaving behind his huge mansion, and what appears to be the rest of the leprechaun’s gold, to his step-sister, Tilly Sofia Lacey who made Dinosaur Hotel and Bloody Mary. She then decides to check the property with her stepmother, Chrissie Wunna, her boyfriend Ben Stephen Staley, and her friends Jane Danielle Ronald and Sadie Elspeth Foster. Oh, and Louisa Warren, co-writer and director comes back as Mischa (who was in the first movie), who now seems to be a live-in maid at Tilly‘s new house!

There is nothing wrong with attempting to inject some comedy into horror, especially after witnessing the mess that the initial premise was a full-sized man leprechaun, a person dressed in what clearly is a cheap Halloween leprechaun suit, comically oversized rubber face mask, and wild untamed wig, zooming around trying to scare people (and failing to!). It’s laughable, it truly is, yet by embracing the silliness of all of this, putting the focus on the twisted joke and satire the movie makes with the leprechaun works perfectly for this sequel.

The other details woven throughout the story do provide some zest, so claiming that this film does not aim to frighten might be far-fetched. For instance, around the hour mark there is some credible gore which stands out in accordance to the rest of the film’s more subtle works.

If I’m being honest, there’s hardly any substance to this sequel. The stalk and slash format (or default stalk and shoot green mist) gets thrown in with character after character being slaughtered until Tilly steps in to figure out how to kill the leprechaun, which, might I say, is THE most bizarre and creep factor solution ever. Snog him?! Seriously?! Then again, I suppose the whole “mystical pendant” thing had to pay off eventually- it gets mentioned enough throughout the film after all. But I would have NEVER guessed our heroine would put it in her mouth and kiss the rubber-faced villain to save the day. Told you this one was steeping into the absurdity of it all.

Warren and his team have left The Leprechaun’s Curse with yet ANOTHER cliffhanger, signaling that there will surely be a sequel. Here’s hoping that the next movie takes inspiration from the first installment rather than this paint-by-numbers project. I did enjoy how they tried fending off the leprechaun with four-leaf clovers this time around, though let’s incorporate more of that into the mythology for a sequel, shall we?

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