Tooth Fairy, the horror film released in 2019, also known as Toof, was so brutal that I did not expect to write a review for the fifth installment of this franchise. How did we get five films in four years?
There is an added layer of mystery when I mention that, partly out of a willingness to give anything a shot after the last Tooth Fairy Queen of Pain was not a painful experience, I somehow got thrilled about this entry.
Was it really a sequel? It felt more like they used a blender on the whole franchise, and out came something completely different, which was oddly appealing. The story was relaunched with a new version where the antagonistic killer tooth fairy was redesigned.
This film is the fifth installment or the second of the new series. The narrative is set two years after the school trip massacre. Sammy, the sole surviving student, is played by Paula Coiz. She is finally getting ready to resume working, but not without an encounter with the tooth fairy first. To make matters worse, Tooth Fairy has also rescheduled some of Sammy’s work colleagues’ appointments without letting them in on it. These colleagues just so happen to be late-night dwellers at the school during their scheduled sessions.
Tooth Fairy: Drill to Kill does not live up to its self-explanatory title. Like the other films in this franchise, this film was directed by Louisa Warren and written by Ben Daly. This film is better than the other three movies, but it still fails to meet expectations. The character of the tooth fairy is far more sadistic and realistic, certainly a better version and played splendidly by Samantha Cull.
Now, with the tooth fairy, they could have taken a more creative route than this. They could have revealed more details about the duel and explained how and why things happened, along with making one of the critical characters the central figure of the plot. I mean, if you are going to cast tooth fairy in slasher films, why not go all out?
For some reason, they decide to kill off a character who had potential and was loved by the audience within the first 30 minutes of the movie. Then decide to grant a whole new set of characters who will get brutally murdered by the villain. While that could be entertaining the film does have some parts that are entertaining. Ultimately all that changes in this movie is the gory scenes which are extremely lacking.
It looks like, if you liked the first three films in this franchise, then chances are you didn’t like the fourth or this fifth one. While I’m sure plenty of people liked them, if you are like me, you detested them. You may find these films easier to stomach.
There is hope for another sequel and this sequel is still’s not the worse the series has had to offer, which is an encouraging sign. I know I can’t wait to see what comes next!
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