Art of Love

Art of Love

The Art Of Love Movie

The Art of Love opens in Budapest with a group of professional art thieves successfully pulling off a heist at a Museum. Later in the day, the Olga, an Interpol Art Crime Unit Agent, and her colleague Ozan arrive at the site and find a stone, which is a lead in a pattern of art theft they are tracing.

All of them analyze the case in a way that the art robbers invade the art houses and take the least appreciated pictures. This brings Ozan to a conclusion that perhaps the robber by himself is not an art lover, but Alin disagrees, insisting that it is all a part of the robber’s strategy to take pictures which in most cases are ignored.

Ozan rather worked in the narcotics department where he was able to get enough information to assist Alin. Engaging herself in art, she was able to forecast where the conmen were planning on targeting next.

When does Alin identify Güney how?

Alin understands that it is on a schedule for four days and that the same art work that the thieves are after will be in Istanbule and then on display in a museum for one day and then up for auction. Consequently, she is able to suggest to the thieves how and where they are likely going to steal it at the museum or capsules.

Given their past actions, Alin knows that they will make an attempt to steal the painting at the Museum. Baelkin’s normal timetable, five days later, Alin and Ozan make it to the Museum full of people, only to set off the alarms upon stepping in, meaning of course that the thief has already committed the deed of stealing the painting in broad day light…A clearer look reveals a slightly build man rushing out of the Museum, making Alin give chase, to her dismay; the man turned out to be a person she has close relations with.

Güney Arat is missing for years now and is the last thing anyone ever heard from Alin’s ex-fiancé, thus resulting to the police declaring him a lost case. This was how painful it was for Alin after he passed away and seeing him once more brought about those memories.

The former is able to leave the Museum after all and after viewing the security tapes am convinced that my earlier suspicion was in fact correct. She shows the photocopy of the CCTV image such as a video still, where is complacently Ukraine Guley to her superior, who replies in disbelief because she is a billionaire and plausibly in a position to buy up all those missing paintings.

How does it happen that Alin turns into an Interpol Agent?

Ozan wants to know if the reason for Alin becoming an agent is related owing to the fact that she is a Baharin, Gus Erdogan’s ex lover.

She says that after he disappeared, she went to Paris to live in with her mother and avoid Güney in the event he calls her. Back in Paris, she worked for Interpol as a consultant aiming further development of the unit dealing with art crimes; she liked it, grew up dreaming of being a cop and went to the police academy.

How does Alin plan to take Güney into custody?

Alin intends to make a chance encounter with Guley, impress him and then capture him. At a party, Güney and Alin meet each other and she is introduced to him as a curator of a prominent Art Gallery in Paris. After the party, however, he follows the woman to the hotel and begs her to go out for dinner. She tells all that takes place and she gives her consent.

Over the meal, Güney says that it was his unmanageable Art of Love for Alin that made him choose to disappear. He also expresses regret for his indiscretions in the past and asks for another chance which Alin offers–but with a caveat: that they remain truthful to one another. Back at her hotel room, Alin thinks that it is within her power to make it happen and that she would seek an opportunity to get to Güney and gather the necessary proof that would see him locked away.

What made Güney abandon well attaining and favourable people?

To our amazement, it turned out that long awaited sabbatical in truth, much completed the dolgohod and even the energy of the local farmers’ wed many truth in. One of the reasons that Güney fled to Mexico was that the conman who disappeared from the skies was gathering in that place.

When out of jail, all that registered in his mind was to find Alin only to be shocked that she had joined Interpol. Hence he could not make himself known to her because she are now an officer and he a thief.

He announced a press conference after he had been missing for a period of three years, so that he would be able to re-enter the picture, inform Alin that he was in the picture again, and then began this over-the-top plan of theft of pieces of art to draw the attention of Alin.

Does Alin And Güney go back to being a couple?

As it nears the end, Alin and Güney are pursued by Faysal’s men including Faysal’s men. They use a helicopter to escape the premises of the office, and then she is taken to her grandfather’s house by Güney, where all the paintings he had previously stolen are exhibited.

He backs up his reason for stealing the paintings, by telling Alin of his grandfather who was a brilliant painter, but who went unnoticed. He does state, however, that during their courtship, Alin had said that the pictures which were stolen had more attention, hence they became more valuable.

Before she is apprehended, Faysal’s men, apparently out of nowhere, come, and they can only go to the river which is a point of no return. Well, Güney doesn’t explain it to her since he is more anxious about Alin proclaiming that she likes him even now, after all the beatings.

At the end, she declares her love and agrees to stay by his side, without reporting his activities to the authorities. Nonetheless, Alin is perplexed on how such lovers will make it in their new world after the genesis of their love affair. Güney however tells her not to worry because they will solve it together.

In this love story of, How does Art Of Love finish? How does Faysal and his men finally get Alin and güney in the Art of love? They go all the way to the river with car plugs while they are stopped at a dead end.

He sits in front of them and points the gun toward them threatening to pull the trigger, and by incoherence shoots across the ear of guney making him go deaf for a few seconds. Faysal was also bodies away from shooting them when ozan came with more men and took faysal into custody.

He previously said that he has been in pursuit of Faysal for many days as one of the narcotics agents but he has never managed to put handcuffs on him as he did not have any proof to pin the accusation. But when Güney invades his strongbox he likewise inhales a fare amount of substances and happens to find a very big piece of information which he passes along to Ozen and Ozen finally gathers enough evidence to charge Faysal.

Directed by Korinna Davy and starring Olivia Williams, Molly Parker, and Mike Vogel as fairy tale characters, This is the end is one of those films where no idea at all gets executed in the screen time and when the time is spent only for bullsh*t, the audience is now asking: “What was the reason?”.

The notion that the protagonists are exes who have unfulfilled passion that gets awaken once more is just ridiculous as you will neither be able to see the sparks flying in the air between them nor feel any emotional events that should be convincing that there was something unbearable in their Art of Love.

It’s such a relentless rubrush of melancholy. Which is why the drive for certain films is such enthusiasm, sometimes misplaced, to the point of wanting everything, including all the subsequent stupidities, to be logical. You’re probably giddy over spangles and bubble, designer clothes and expensive cars, miles of luxury, and a life of a billionaire… so forget about looking for sense, tension or any sort of entertainment. Wow.

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