Die Before You Die: An average Vlogger simply tumbles into a disaster and this begs the inevitable question. Who cares about other people’s opinions anyway?
In this movie directed by Dan Pringle, protagonist Adi (Ziad Abaza) actually seems to suffer from what nicely can be described as a complex – induced hysterics. Turns out he is having a YouTube challenge and it is not that serious.
Adi and his friend Maz (Mim Shaikh) end up in a shisha bar, where they meet Lee (Harry Reid), one of the Adi’s fans who is a bit weird and proposes the final challenge – being buried alive.
This begins events led by Al-Fayez (Falah Hashim), who is some sort of a spiritual teacher; in contrast, he is both a good omen and a bad one.
Adi agrees to the kind of things that any rational person would do. His ‘leap of faith’ is the most beautifully insane decision he has even made in his life. Not a big deal because more subscribers are expected from it anyway.
Abaza is hilarious as an obnoxious narcissist that most of us are so used to seeing on social media these days. Amira (Priya Blackburn), his wife, provides the relief about his overly bizarre disassociation.
The line between fight and flight is rather shifted under the weight of false pride which in the end plays an important role in the events of the film.
The inner monologue of deciding how we make decisions was elevated to semiotics by Pringle, who actually gave ‘inner monologue’ its own two legs. In this setting, that voice functions as both helpful angel and self-destructive demon.
Plain and simple; things, as they were, were rather predictable and with a good reason considering the movie’s message about the importance of establishing ego boundaries.
The story also made us remember how can be strong the influence of the internet in changing the perception of reality. It was as if stepping into the current age where everything is found in the internet and one is subject to many relative influences.
There was certainly a more surreal Midsommar-esque vibe to the film but it certainly managed to portray how it feels to be surrounded in lots of physical things rather than any digital ones.
Pringle does not provide a resolution to his film and this is left for the viewer to fill in which is dependent on how much glass is left in a container the viewer uses as their perspective.
Die Before You Die may sound cliché, but somehow it works. A person’s willingness to go to extreme lengths for the sake of publicity or to manipulate others’ perceptions of him or her is perhaps something every netizen can understand.
If you didn’t hit that high note of ‘living the now’ before this film, I guarantee that you will after it.
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