Gracie and Pedro: Pets to the Rescue

“Gracie and Pedro: Pets to the Rescue” is quite possibly the ugliest animated movie ever and it has even managed to be worse than other live action movies that were downright terrible. First of all, I apologize because it sounds as though I am bullying the movie—“Gracie and Pedro: Pets to the Rescue” is intended for children and children only. Let’s be real, this is a work that is geared towards children and not even teenagers. And even disposing of the notion of teenagers finding this entertaining, Gracie and Pedro is a complete miss when it comes to babies who should at least be kept busy with mindless content for an hour and a half.

The film does not broaden children’s perspectives in any way. The young age group will be fainted when exposed to horrible character designs that are rubbery and do not even match the movement of the characters mouths and definitely not the sound. Having said this, it is a real botch job. And of course, it seems to be filmed in English. The same is true for everybody. Being glued to a dim screen will do anybody any good.

Assuming for a second that you don’t watch it by choice, how would you feel if your kids were watching the movie?

At first, you might be thinking to yourself, How bad can it be, when the cast has a voice such as Susan Sarandon, Danny Trejo, Brooke Shields and Bill Nighy? But then again, it does take a short while and you will come to understand that these well-known professionals do not have much airtime in the film and even when they do, their voices have been altered to the point that they are entirely different than what audiences have come to expect.

Then again, there is, you may add, also an issue of logic – the reason why the main characters go on this road trip in the first place is very awkward indeed. Yeah, absolute realism can be forgiven in an animal film, where the animals talk for whatever reasons, but this is just weird…

Gracie (Claire Alan) is the titular character – a spaniel with the needs of a high-maintenance show dog. You can tell because she wears a pink bow in her fur. Pedro (Cory Doran) is a wise-cracking, street-smart cat who’s always getting into trouble. They bicker like… Well, you know what they say, cats and dogs do that – which is exclusively and purely sniping back and forth cheesy insults and sitcom-style banter. However, when the human family with whom they are residing decides to relocate from Los Angeles to Salt Lake City, both pets are placed into a small container and forced to take a flight in the cargo section together.

Seriously? Even the most low cost low budget airlines wouldn’t endorse such an agreement let alone allow such arrangement.

Was it not possible for them to have their pet on board each in its own separate pet carrier? And who are those stupid parents who thought in the first place that it was a great idea. I can imagine that the intent is supposed to be hysterical when viewers witness the cute and precious little creatures overflowing in one place and struggling to cohabitate; however, it is outright absurd and absolutely inhumane.

In any case, Gracie and Pedro begin to squabble so viciously that they end up jamming the convoluted cargo belt system. They never even board the airplane and instead are forced to depend on the goodwill of others good souls pointing them to Utah via bus and train like children of the wild-wood. Some are sympathetic to their cause such as Sarandon”s Shades, a rabbit in a trick traveling to Las Vegas who is a hopeless romantic.

(And yes, she is wearing glasses, which is why she is called that. This is the extent of inventiveness found in the script which somehow three people found it difficult to write). Some want to devour them like the condor voiced by Nighy, a massed and savage essence that could scare the audience to whom this film is directed, for instance, the children.

Meanwhile, back in Salt Lake City, daughter Sophie (Bianca Alongi) and her younger sibling Gavin, who is a deaf mute, cannot be blamed for the trauma as they are able to comprehend that their favourite pets are missing.

They are able to capture the video of a music and make it go popular, in order to locate them. Sophie is the most annoying of all, being the sings in the most high pitched voice. And, of course, she was the voice with the plan when the rest of the adults were only in the struggle.

And if the character of the condor was not bad enough, the terrible final scene where the children once more is put in danger by a rickety roller coaster in a deserted theme park, how exciting!

Maybe start with any of the funny shorts or features with Wallace & Gromit or any of the other inspired creations first. And if you are searching for good animation intended for every age with funny plot where animals are the center of silliness, look anywhere other than this.

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