Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate

The 2010 animated film ‘Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate’ is remembered for its fantastic stories of heroism filled with humor and drama and voiced by stars like Will Farrell, Tina Fey, Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, and David Cross. Cut to fourteen years, and this ‘original’ film is as boring as anything one can expect, with nothing more than several of the obvious and pale voicing bodies.

Very few scenes evoke laughter while other faintly evoke emotion, achieving success by reviewing some parts of the original and sending it out – after several tosses in the washing machine in movie Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate. Basically, it was animated so as to introduce “Megamind Rules” that will reach your television screens this month.

The first film was released long before this segment of the target audience was even born, so inception provides a short summary of events. Megamind (Ferrell’s voice in the first movie now replaced with Keith Ferguson’s voice) was Metrocity’s nemesis (who for some particular reason still pronounces it with an “atrocity” slang), and who had a pet fish that rode a robot (originally voiced by David Cross but is now Josh Brener).

This character was known as Minion in the original movie but is now renamed Ol’ Chum to avoid confusion with the very popular yellow Minion characters from the “Despicable Me” cinematic universe. He didn’t want to be a villain anymore after Megamind made another monster during the same time Metrocity’s hero decided to hang the cape, and he beamed everything, with a little help from Roxanne the reporter (originally played by Fey, now Laura Post).

It is a promising set-up, as Megamind has to get used living on planet earth thinking it is the right thing to do, and also learn how to deal with the evil bastards who were once his two friends.

As the movie opens, the viewers see him pursuing a gang of criminals in fish costumes, but he does pause to admire the gang saying, “That is something my former self has wished to do.” He exclaims, “On few occasions, I wish I had the ease of being bad still.”

What he misses even more is when Megamind doesn’t agree to make him a sidekick and Megamind’s loyal servant Ol’ Chum leaves. Alone, Megamind can’t even manage to operate his toaster. Then, rest of the Doom Syndicate, his former gang escapes from jail and he has to convince them that he is still bad or else capture them before they carry on with their evil scheme.

He manages to convince Roxanne Quick to pose as his fiancée and partner in crime. And Keiko (Maya Aoki Tuttle), a dauntless young girl, is familiar with the latest developments of live streaming and other social media and enables Megamind to take assistance from others. Ol’ Chum also gets lost in the infinite tale of a diner, but soon decides to come back to the team.

The fiasco had the self-proclaimed ‘Doom Syndicate’ made up of several insane characters, including a Frenchman whose method of communication is through silence, a rock monster who is always fired up, a lightning wielding weather girl and a gothic man who… well this last one is interesting because he used to go by the name of Lord Knight but has recently changed it to an absurd Lord Nighty-Night and walks around clutching a teddy bear.

Calm your nerves because it is still a kid’s movie as there is no sense of terror because the bad guys’ actions and the action scenes are quite funny, alongside the classic gross-out humour of poop and vomit. However, the same cannot be said about some of the necessarily verbal ange humour, let alone being they do not appeal to parents wishing to take their kids along as age wise they are out of the league by over one or two generations.

Seriously adding in jokes about 90s swooner Simon and Garfunkel lyrics of the 60s, nose hair clippers and of course that exceedingly famous Titanic film, is this putting too much thought? Also, it is highly doubtful that most young kids in this case elementary school children would understand even the more recent context.

When Megamind when the Doym Syndicate has a free block party instead of focusing on the primary chore execute the next day, he simply states ‘I’m the victim of this unscheduled party’ and starts narrating how the kacchop car carries coke can deploys of the crowd only to tell the DJ to install “another stanky groove in my pocket”.

There are messages about bullying and the power of working as a team. But in all these clashes Megaminds prize, who is good and who is villain comes down to how much empathy and respect for people and their emotions.

There’s also a rather fleeting reference to the need of voting and the benefits of democracy (and decent candidates). However, relative to the earlier version or comparatively the more recent films like “Boss Baby” or “The Bad Guys,” it appears to be somewhat haphazard and thin.

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