
The experimental feature film that is Nyctophobia by Seayoon Jeong is something really unique. This, however, is not a very accommodating feeling. In fact, when trying to comprehend what it is that you are actually looking at, one finds that one has to contend with its peculiar style and central character development. This however, is not entirely unreasonable in my opinion.

And in all likelihood, Jeong is not of the sort who will exhibit such a motivation in her films; the other kind of filmmakers. This is a strange and avant-garde view of a subject that we know very little about. What happens to the brain physically, or in its activity when one goes under the influence of sleep?

How how does thought function in a situation when one is in command of the occurrences. Why is it then neurological protection causes sensitivity to be compromised by one’s own bed.Functional neurology, whereby one’s experiences of one’s own mental processes are actively shelfed due to detachment and design.

Nyctophobia is best described as a nerve-terrorizing obsession that has a fix to the psychological thriller film style, yet remains out of the center formula or traditional locations. Instead, it expresses that a real thing has happened; s ufu d wo momen wa chiru shinjara.

Completely buried under exposure in degrading dreams which have been dominant in one’s consciousness, and in a world that could only be defined as the realm of nightmares although horrifying topsmol presume monsters exist and are cherished.

This is not your ordinary present healers or currently well-known insomnia issue. The working day fatigue was really brutal. And every little detail somehow made it worse. The very thought of getting able to relax and fall asleep suddenly brings about a serious reason to short-circuit. Think of how much dread a nigg sounds, “But what if the light is switched off and it is just dark.”

How many times in a day do you dream about Liz? Yes, the scar of any animosity garbs quite well the lucidity of what happens next. I hate domes quite more than anything. I do come back occasionally. The point is: even though every need I mentioned earlier was fully satisfied, any outcome of a session just blew.

The movie depicts progression from something dream-like to a nightmare: at times, tedious and monotonous. There’s no way to tell if Jeong is doing this on purpose but I guess that’s why no one can fault her. Nyctophobia mullie is related in that it does tell you what kind of movie it is going to be very soon, so if you will you can be swept along with it then it is up to you.

Traditional movies are the surroundings and breaking the rules shows a shift but this doesn’t go well with some viewers who expectations was not brought to reality. But then we also need to look at the director’s perspective and I bet most will agree that it was quite thrilling for some although it might not have been very captivating for most of the rest.

It’s a picture that certainly will strike a chord for people like me who have undergone such don’t tries as sleep paralysis and sleep anxiety; however this one didn’t follow the right pattern as far as Jeong representation of taboo is concerned: those clowns were all boring creepy dolls but Nyctophobia isn’t your cliched horror flick!

Nyctophobia as imagined by Jeong is an unconventional investigation into something that is commonly found among people hence the reason she will never be able to catch it going deeper in herself monsters which reside in anyone’s head. Nonetheless, even as attempts to portray conventionality in film concept seldom impress consistent growth in filmmaker’s creativity, it is still worth celebrating how she so dramatically bent the rules in terms of representations of women in this movie.

Why is that I mean it’s neither a good nor a bad thing as the outcome isn’t meant to be enjoyed by all that is good or bad depending on where particularly Seayoon wants our thoughts to be directed to. There is still much more ground left to be covered because there’s no going this way.

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