Our Church Thinks We’re Dating

In Our Church Thinks We’re Dating, we meet Pastor’s daughter, Jess, who is practically the leader of all the boob friends, for some reason keeping the tub activities in a very religious circle. Although she is fond of organizing mission trips and service outings with this group of friends – particularly her hall mate Rachel and single Alex, who has always been crazy over her. However, with the onset of couples, Jess finds herself one by one drifting friends away from her.

The summer of numerous weddings ends with Rachel being engaged to the striking Samuel Summers and per normal Jess and Alex are the last troops standing in their church as the eligible singles. Jess’s father, Pastor T, attempts to try and be useful and sets Jess up with guy after guy, all to her behaved frustration.

As if this isn’t bad enough, now Rachel and Sam’s wedding pushes back Jess’s Christmas charity for the year and everyone goes to mountains for the destination wedding weekend. When arriving to the mountain lodge, Pastor T still has a bachelor in store for Jess – an overly-excited fitness freak called Loren.

Promotional Picture for Our Church Thinks We’re Dating.

In the meantime, Alex gets close to Samuel’s sister Danielle, or rather they get along well. Just as anything possibly can grow though, Jess rushes in and says she and Alex are dating which was her way of fending her father off. Swayed by romantic impulses and his longtime affection for Jess, Alex consents but only if they will be “a typical love story.”

Alex draws a romantic movie cliche checklist which Jess is forced into agreeing on action for the film. Of course, they also have to maintain the charade. Where in their timeline did they commence being in a romantic relationship? What hurt them so much that they would not kiss? It is safe to say that Jess ‘s revelation really does create a pandemonium in the entire wedding event as people cheer for the couple.

Quite soon, jealousy becomes evident as it is expected that it should be the focus of attention at Rachel’s wedding. Even worse, Jess and Alex’s childhood friendship has conveniently made it a particularly very strong relationship, which starts raising concerns for Rachel about her relationship with Sam.

As the weekend is developing in Our Church Thinks We Are Dating, the friends are having a reawakening of sorts, relationships are literally put into the crucible, and everybody acquires a new perspective towards the importance and the effort needed in order to maintain any healthy relationship.

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