The Air He Breathes

Loss is something every one of us has experienced. But loss manifests differently across cultures. “The Air He Breathes”, which is Passionflix’s newest adaptation, brings a compelling story about two characters who are trying to overcome the loss that has driven them apart.

Also based on her book with the same title, the author Brittainy Cherry says in “The Air He Breathes” that ‘…while overcoming life-altering losses, Elizabeth (Kelcie Stranahan) and Tristan (Ryan Carnes) find strength and healing in each other’s love. And as they fight their way through anguish of loss and pain from their past, the meaning of love, and second chances is unveiled to them’ well what a nice touch.

I’ve grown accustomed to watching Passionflix films, but I must admit – The Air He Breathes is the first film I’ve seen that made me shed tears many times throughout the film. In the beginning, it is clear that both Elizabeth and Tristan are still deep in grief. Following the passing of her husband, Steven, Elizabeth made the choice to relocate with her young daughter, Emma (The lovely Charlotte Ann Tucker), to Meadows Creek in an effort to regroup.

On the other hand, Tristan has witnessed the deaths of his wife Jamie and their son Charlie and seems to have gone into hiding as a result. The two first meet under unfortunate circumstances when she unintentionally crashes into his dog Zeus with her car. Of course, this is not the best way for somebody to first meet somebody else and Tristan is indignant for a good reason. Nevertheless, Elizabeth perceives something in Tristan.

She perceives the pain behind his rage and his frustration, especially when he collapses after being told that Zeus will be all right. 

Once Elizabeth is settled in her house again, she discovers that Tristan is also her neighbor in the next home. This one brings us directly to the old familiar enemies who fall in love and are able to overcome the barriers, which often tops my list. Although it appears that almost the entire town has some bad words about Tristan, Elizabeth understands what others cannot; it is not her first time. In a way she seems to empathize with him, as she understands what it feels when people of her vicinity abuse you. The pressure on her is even more intense due to the fact that she lost her husband and people expect her to act a certain way.

In some ways, Tristan is self isolated and only survives instead of living, and there is a reason for that, such as not wanting to be in any sort of contact with anyone. But when Elizabeth suddenly appears, everything changes. No matter how hard he tries, she apparently is inescapable. Quite unreasonably considering the fact that she does live next door to his house.

Rather strangely however, he has no problem with this at all and for some reason favors her company. Who goes around mowing someone else’s lawn? That’s what Tristan would have thought of probably several months back. Although, he seemed to be doing it initially simply to prevent her from disturbing the entire surroundings, his attitude toward the woman has since evolved. During this period, they both discover their sameness in some aspects.

In no time, Elizabeth and Tristan start developing some sort of bond and spend most of their time together. He assists her a lot in performing her home’s house chores. As they became intimate and began to develop emotions, their circumstances changed. The plot twist, however, is that they both consent to use each other as a crutch to get through their spousal loss.

What could possibly go wrong? Except, you know, both fall in love with each other — which is what happens. First, Elizabeth and Tristan are not “casual” relationship-oriented people who only seek sexual intimacy. They love deeply and it shows when they love their husbands Steven and Jamie. It was tragic but also magnificently tragic to observe their lovemaking because they are both so affected. Some people would probably think this is too much but whatever the case, we all desire affection and therefore companionship. That was what these two were providing for each other.

No matter how overstretched their hearts feel, even while making love is not an option for them, Tristan knows that he wants Elizabeth inedible. Needs to be. Even if all they can ever be is a friend. And of course, we all know that doesn’t work either because these two already have been there and done that and now they know what it is so it makes it harder for them.

In that regard, the heart indeed has its own aspirations. And those aspirations are held by Tristan and Elizabeth. Unfortunately for them, there are quite a number of people who would not want them to be together. And old wounds are opened up in ways none were even prepared for. I am NOT going to touch upon that further because that’s precisely the development I would not want to spoil, having read Cherry’s book myself earlier.

The Air He Breathes has won me over as the best book to screen adaptation. Both Stranahan and Carnes gave powerful performances as Elizabeth and Tristan respectively. She made Elizabeth seem so simple yet her stillness was something that carried so much weight. I also admit that she managed to tease out the more aggressive side of Elizabeth too. As for Carnes who at first plays a very laconic character, managed to bear Tristan’s tormented soul and I was thrilled to see how gradually, piece by piece, we can witness him be ready to fully welcome friendship and love into his life once again. Like I said, when watching this, I did cry numerous times. I think that I cried about the same amount throughout the book.

This has to be one of my new favorite Passionflix movie adaptations. A lot of finesse went into the film, which was directed by Rachel Annette Helson and shot by Sean Conley and focuses on Brittainy Cherry’s book. It was a great deal of responsibility for her characters because trying to pursue a storyline that the author herself loves and the readers also do is quite a task.

As we all know, fans can be very difficult with the phrase “book to screen adaptation”, so it is quite wonderful when a director proves themselves. For those who wish to see a romantic drama, do not let the word drama fool you; The Air He Breathes does have the drama, and with the unexpected elements that will leave you stunned, this is the film for you.

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