
Turbo flaunts the fighting spirit of a genre’s creature and gets praise for that from the arrogant thugs applauding from the sidelines (e.g. “What a bloody cliche”, “classic” etc.). This might have been thought of as a theatre-erupting moment in the narrative of Midhun Manuel Thomas rather.

On screen it sounds more of a convenience out of director Vysakh as whatever we have seen till that point all seems very cliched and shock or surprise will not be available when unraveling of certain things happen. 

The main character of this movie is Jose or Turbo Jose from Idukki district. He is known for hooliganism especially during the annual celebrations of the church. At one point, he even puts in efforts to wed Jerry’s wife Indulekha, who comes from a Hindu family politically abused and does his abesty work.

It so happens that some of Jose’s actions during this event compel him to flee Idukki for fear of imprisonment and he chooses to do so to Chennai where Indulekha was employed. Simply telling it; Turbo10 is the story of Jose’s life after his epitome comes to Chennai.

This movie has scam and fraud plotting at the center of its focus app we become aware of it only towards the last quarter first half. When this plot point was revealed , I was actually wishing that one day we would see film which would deal with such issue or develop they would develop something around that issue but nope whole scam just works as an excuse to tell how big bad vetrivel shanmugha sundaram is.

The Complete Kattappana chapter in the film seems like very forcibly inserted part to include Jose in the most cliche manner possible and its making hero shift base to chennai has plenty of logical discrepancies even when the plot reaches the point where everything happening around the hero is so clear cut and lining up with a proper story that follows a template you could hardly be taken by surprise.

When it got revealed in the public, everyone was of the opinion that this is going to be an action comedy, but as shoot began & promos came out, it turned out more to be mass action film. If approached as an action comedy, then it will help to lessen the stereotypical nature of Turbo. Its structure resembles that of a heist film in that it is constructed mainly out of high-octane action sequences with little connection to the unrelenting action couplings.

Due to this extreme over-reliance on action + humour, there are blaring warts that are too easily salveable; eg. Sunil’s comedy sequence before interval makes no sense and thankfully this does not happen anymore. The intention was perhaps to create contradiction in the feel of the sequence in order to better facilitate the shock value of that off expected interval twist but the plan fails miserably.

The script is not creative in any sense of the word. You can practically predict from a distance who the main characters will kill off and at what precise moment the protagonist rushes on to the stage to save the day. When Niranjana’s character declares that she is flying out to Dubai, the guy sitting next to me sneered, “She ain’t reaching.” And it is just full of all such unexpected turns that even the most average of the movie lovers can easily look through such a plot. Somehow the color shading, which Vysakh used in his 2022 movie Night Drive, is reused here.

Vishnu Sarma’s visuals, especially in the action scenes are quite appealing. The last car chase and first parts of the last fight have, very impressively, been staged, shot and edited. Quite obvious are the set piece influences by John Wick and The Equalizer. Christo Xavier’s EDM bass background score is effective for the film Turbo.

On-screen however, Mammootty seems to be having it rough especially when a good part of this flick has him performing all these stunts in which he is required to change gears and also hit the hand brake A major chunk of this movie is played by Paachuvum Athbuthavilakkum sirshya Anjana Jayaprakash as Indulekha where she gets an equally or even more extended screen time.

Shabareesh as Jerry Bindu Panicker as Mammootty B’le Me’s mother It appears that character actors have graduated from sister and daughter roles or son and brother parts to father aunt uncle and mother characters while Mammootty seems to stick to the same old roles in these high budget movies.

The character Vetrivel Shanmugha Sundaram, probably the most important man in the story, played by Raj B Shetty, does have presence because how Raj B Shetty carries that character The classic villain in this typical action movie is that character Jailer Sunil whereas Raj B Shetty is a not so conventional in looking at the character, at least Raj B Shetty makes it a bit more usual. Character like Jailer Sunil’s is dead weight in the film I Dileesh Pothan is more there as a poster value enhancer.

With the extravagant neon red light board announcing the title of the movie behind Mammootty on his introduction, Vysakh shows clearly what he aims at: celebrating the super stardom of Mammootty. But the trouble lies with the narrative in which the filmmaker goes for stardom first before the story. The lucifer maser of fans also built while writing for fans but it was a way told in the story.

SPOILERS Follow! Now let us come to turbo, which ends with a hint that the story could have a sequel or sequels, that is the easiest example of what is called ‘cut and paste’ with such unwanted detail that is the sacrifice of aesthetic appeal.

Most strangely and worryingly, how many more times must we as audience watch characters who upon introduction would waste time saying with words to the air “please let me explain, Please, let me hear etc.” instead of making a straight point. Weren’t we watching Shabareesh Varma’s character waffling with a message over what’s app and yelling in plain English that she wouldn’t bother doing genuinely.

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