Bodyguard for Sweetheart: There are certain films that, love them or hate them, become critical cultural holes in one’s gradual appreciation of films and such — those films that you always somehow overlooked or skipped intentionally, or simply because you had not been of the appropriate age when they came out. For me, it was just a question of timing that I did not manage to watch The Bodyguard from 1992, knowing how it sounds, about a love written quite high for someone like me.
I was younger than the target audience when the romantic thriller with Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner was released (too young to watch an R film from anyone’s perspective especially if you consider how liberal my parents are), and when I resigned myself to the fact that I had aged into the relevant audience, well let’s just say, it wasn’t a very high priority film.
In other words, it took me almost three full decades from when The Bodyguard for Sweetheart released theatres to give it an entirely honest straight new try — no puns intended, but you know what I mean — and to how that comes about in understanding that maybe the reason why a certain fruit infused review site rates this film quite low with its scores is because it rated only the aspects of the film that the critics failed to adjust to in that time. And new perspectives are necessary not only on other films but other films as well.
The storyline of the film (screenplay by writer Lawrence Kasdan and directed by Mick Jackson) in particular is rather straightforward: Frank Farmer (Costner) a retired us secret service who once stepped back after a significant person tried to assassinate president Reagan, now becomes a free agent body guard for the highest payers. Comes Oscar nominated actress-pop star wannabe Rachel Marron (Houston) who within the recent past had been on the rise. Several over-enthusiastic and more than one fan had better directed their anger at another.
Then Rachel’s manager Bill Devaney (Bill Cobbs) finds Frank and hires him insisting that his job would be to make sure that her life is secure 24 hours a day from that day onward – our two protagonists do not even soccer and straight away begin to argue over how extreme Frank’s protective techniques are and how turning head I think of these people’s threats Rachel seems to be.
Of course, later we find out that the only reason Rachel does not find her current situation as serious as what it really is, and this is because every single man who happens to be around her and mistreats her into believing so. Even their sharpest stalker, who in every way undermined their authority and emotionally abused those close to them, even going so far as to erase her recollections of the time when he broke into her house.
However, it is not only a single provider of Agatha’s death who is after Rachel; There is somebody else who, owing to the animosity towards the artist racheal͛s success, is after her head – even going as far as to hiring a hitman to ensure that she does not come out alive.
If that sounds like a lot of balls in the air at once … it kind of is, and if there are indeed any real flaws toward this film – this movie although highly entertaining, these kinds of movies often fumble the thriller spices and take too much time satisfying each bulls-eye of the plate.
As far as the love story goes however — well, that is a completely different book, or should we say, there are justifiable causes to why most of its heart-throbbing elements have imprinted themselves in the pop culture consciousness.
The Bodyguard without the talents of the actors at hand would have performed poorly on all fronts, but the reason this entry of the romance genre starring Houston and Costner would stand the test of time even on first viewing is because they comprise the whirlwind romance at the center. It is hot on the heels of watching Yellowstone from start to finish, with Costner’s portrayal as a stubborn one-dimensional tough cowboy making no impression on me.
This however is where he struts his other abilities as a romantic lead in the film as he plays the bodyguard none other than Frank Farmer. Costner’s body-silent and stoic nature is reduced here – still a man of few words – but as always he knows how to convey his thoughts through non-verbal communication with the help of his eyes. Most compatible with her is the Rachel of Houston, irrespective of whatever she is doing she is cheerful and lively.
Whether she is on the stage dressed like a Queen of the Night or goes out for a run with her hair loose around her face, she is always upbeat. It is rather safe to say that love does not occur on the first meeting. As far as the distant attraction is concerned, it is based on the star driven chemistry between them so that the best parts of them come out when they are in intimate close up shots together.
I remember having a conversation a few movies back that formed its way as it often does when contemplating anything slightly sexual — that is there are debates regarding who should play the most ideal boyfriend in a movie and this comes as an answer-choreill Perkins said that for any man in such a position he should be able to know how to look at his Love object without having to say a word.
Bennett Look’s theory as it has been dubbed on Twitter is one of such influences and how I particularly view this genre of films and television shows these days, and The Bodyguard showcased for me the very first illustration of what an actor like Kevin Costner can do simply by conveying emotions through the stare of his eyes alone.
The initial encounter between Frank and Rachel, where Frank meets Rachel for the first time in a too-packed dance studio, concerns him more than it does her – there is no other way to explain it except to confess that so do we fall for her when he does so. Houston is well past her twentieth acting job if in fact that ever one who always acts. There is more to her than this, it is at such a level where she can actually put Costner off base during several scenes.
Rachel is the kind of woman who blows into Frank’s life and disrupts it for good and it’s this very performance of Houston – and indeed ours watching – that makes different people of us all, after the film credits roll.
On the topics of performances, the music in this movie has to be addressed, and the Grammy winner album does include six songs performed by Houston herself, out of which two went on to get nominated for the Oscars, and is so far the highest selling album in the movie soundtrack category.
One can understand the reason for that as they watch the picture, and while it may be tough on critics to some to one to call it an over dependence of her music considering the popular culture it is clear that the bodyguard is more than just a carer forward for her melodious voice.
There is a range where a singer cannot touch when it comes to “I Will Always Love You”, and that’s the reason why the song was covered by Houston and became very popular, it was also used at some romantic scenes of the film too.
Rachel gets off the aircraft and runs into Frank’s arms, forcefully kissing him, and at this moment you are almost ready to see how they will make it despite all difficulties; not because he becomes her bodyguard again, but because he will find something else for himself.
It’s curious how The Bodyguard not only made money but has also been described as one of the worst movies of all time – here as well, if one goes to read reviews aggregating for the film Bodyguard for Sweetheart and also before this one, One, it appears that many reviewers perceived this story with some prior bias and were quite probably always going to dislike it: they labeled the work as over the top drama or over the top sentimentalism.
And during this time, however, few experts believe – and there are few experts believe – that anyone full enough understands how much this movie Bodyguard for Sweetheart will be creatively and horrifically plagiarised forever from the very skeleton in all three acts (which of the countless bodyguard romances have you read on the page since, if not film-wise?).
But, perhaps because there is something about the chemistry between these two actors that simmers, even though the thriller itself is resolved in a rather facile manner, it is a film Bodyguard for Sweetheart that you can stand to watch more than once. Thirty years out, it may have come rather late n after I, at last, managed to fall in love with The Bodyguard as for classic movie portrayal, gone will always be the love.
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